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Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Variants Associated With Progression of Liver Fibrosis From HCV Infection

Published on 2 October 2023
Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Variants Associated With Progression of Liver Fibrosis From HCV Infection
Date de publication 
Patin E, Kutalik Z, Guergnon J, Bibert S, Nalpas B, Jouanguy E, Munteanu M, Bousquet L, Argiro L, Halfon P, Boland A, Mullhaupt B, Semela D, Dufour JF, Heim MH, Moradpour D, Cerny A, Malinverni R, Hirsch H, Martinetti G, Suppiah V, Stewart G, Booth DR, George J, Casanova JL, Brechot C, Rice CM, Talal AH, Jacobson IM, Bourliere M, Theodorou I, Poynard T, Negro F, Pol S, Bochud PY, Abel L, Hepatitis CCSG, Int Hepatitis CGC and French Anrs HCEPGS
Département / Service
Impact Factor 
Institut IG
url DOI10.1053/j.gastro.2012.07.097

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